I spent a few hours today trying to come up with a good API for the graphics board. Started good but sort of got messed up after a while. Probably due to hunger. 🙂 I will have to re-think how to handle everything in a good manner.
However, it did result in a graphics test program.
Pacman and his ghosts uses half resolution, i.e one Pacman pixel is 2×2 pixels. Arthur is at his original resolution, but you can hardly see him due to my mobile camera. Also I didn’t get his animation right, it looks like he’s having stomach problems. Also the ghost eyes seems to big, but that is the camera being overexposed or something. Looks fine in real life.
I have also implemented layers for sprites. There are three bitmaps you can play with and each sprite can be in any depth position (under/over/in between).
Sorry again for the crappy video…
So, the HW is fully fit for some serious game programming!